Monday, September 23, 2013

#askaboutme #generativeresearch


1. I use an emailed newsletter to get most of my news updates. It's a newsletter call The Skimm and it's run by young women who provide a brief, entertaining, yet credible overview of the top news stories of the day. I really enjoy the way it's written and that it conveniently comes directly to my email which I check all of the time. I also appreciate the brevity of the stories since I'm usually reading it in the morning before class.

2. I use the Google News app several times a week to look at the top news stories for different categories. I check it on my phone and usually look through the business, tech, and health sections. I like how it aggregates news from lots of different sources. I use this app to supplement the news I get from The Skimm (mentioned above)


General flow of weekday: wake up-> get ready-> leave for school-> class time/lunch-> study/mtgs/personal time at school->go home-> workout-> relax/social time/dinner -> go to bed

I access most of my information in the later half of the day during my "study/mtgs/personal time at school" time. It feels like structured free-time since I'm still at school, but without the pressure of class so I tend to research a lot of different topics. I usually use a list to keep me on task, but somehow I always end up perusing at some point.

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